Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Another great Adventure! The combination of fantastic women, some breathtaking scenery, 11 hrs of walking with the chance to reflect on what Humpty's Hike was all about, made the weekend a very memorable, rewarding one for the ladies.

On behalf of Liesel & myself we would like to say a thankyou to the Humpty Dumpty team for acknowledging our efforts. However, Humptys Hike would not be without two contributing factors. One is the dedication & attention to detail that the team at Humpty do to put together such a wonderful weekend for all to enjoy. A special mention to Claire & Angela. But the most important factor is you lovely ladies who sign up to be involved in Humptys Hike. You sign up for the challenge & the commitment you make to the training, fundraising & organsation of your personal lives is amazing. Doing the hike takes many of you out of your comfort zone but what an achievement to know you are able to do it and by doing so are making a huge difference to the lives of many children in hospital who face these challenges everyday. Well done to each & every one of you & how wonderful that we have been able to share such a unique experience together.  

Humpty's Hike was not just about the weekend or the walk. It was all about the journey - the training walks, the fundraising, meeting wonderful women and the generous support of family & friends. As individuals we felt limited by how much we could contribute but as a collective we have been able to make a significant difference for the kids.

As Jane Flemming mentioned at the Celebration Dinner, money raised from 2012 Humpty's Hike will be used to fund the Clown Doctors.

Thank you so much to everyone who participated and supported this wonderful cause. Trudie